Around 1825, Lt Col John Bond Jr, built a large Home on
his new Plantation that he named Indie about 1 1/2 Miles West of, Wiggins MS, on the North side of Red Creek close to a large
Spring that is curently owned by Decendents of his oldest daughter Delpha Bond who married James Batson. Archie Batson
is the curent Owner of the Property.
The large Spring on Indie Plantation is where, Lt Col John
Bond Jr, met his 3rd wife Sarah Ann Terrell Largent. She was watering her Horse at the Spring. They talked for several hours
and decided to get married. It is recorded in both Bond and Terrell family records the wedding took place by the Spring where
they had met and it was a very big wedding. And that Rev. Thomas Price who lived nearby on the South side of Red Creek married
The first Child of JOHN BOND Sr.1749,
IV. 1, Lt Col JOHN
BOND Jr, born 1770 in Beaufort NC, married Adelphia Batson, Aug 19 1793 in Burke County GA . 2nd married,
Elizabeth ( Wallis) Batson, 3rd married Sarah Ann ( Terrell ) Largent. He is buried in the Col John Bond Cemetery, Stone County MS.
4. SERMANTHA BOND (b) 1820
Child of JOHN BOND Jr. and,
Children of JOHN BOND Jr. and,
8. LAFAYETTE BOND (b) 1843

Lt Col John Bond Jr. 1770 |
Captian John Bond War of 1812
Lt Col John Bond Jr Mississippi Territorial
A letter has been preserved that, Lt Col John Bond Jr, wrote
about India Plantation. He gave directions to the Plantation on the North side of Red Creek west of, Wiggins MS, about
One and a Half Miles.
One of Col John Bond Jr's Prized Possesions was a copy of the Erth and Hole Orbis that evidently
had been handed down to him, or,somehow aquired by him.
When he was old, Lt Col John Bond Jr, made a Walking Cane.
He carved the Names of his Ancestors on the Cane and told the Family that the Names was his Family " scuthings". Several years
after he died his Cane was on the Wall of Walter Davis's Store at Perkinston to atract Business. But it disapeared.
In 1851, Lt Col John Bond Jr, recieved a Federal Land Grant
for his services in the War of 1812. And he built another Home on Riceville Rd. West of McHenry MS. and that is where he was